Partly Facetious : Begging is not all about need?
"So under what circumstance is begging OK?"
"Begging is not a situational activity."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Begging is not all about need." "But if a family has no money to buy food then..."
"Then they can go to shrines where food is distributed at every meal, see we Pakistanis are great donors to charity and so it's not a situational activity in this country, it represents a profession, I mean ask yourself what makes you give money to one beggar and not to another. And that is where talent and skill development come in and..."
"Don't be facetious. What about The Khan and his 16-member squad in Saudi Arabia with a begging bowl and synchronizing the visit with the Saudi initiative to attract foreign investment to Saudi Arabia and need I add many of the Western attendees have backed out because of the murder of the Saudi journalist inside the consulate in Turkey..."
"A 16-member squad: hmmm, doesn't a cricket team comprise 11 members and say a couple of extras in case of injury and..." "And that's what caught your attention!" "Well, if the squad is one too many then there will be some difficulty in governance, I mean too many cooks spoil the broth. And let me bring to your notice one fact: while we Pakistanis give to charity, Shaukat Khanum memorial cancer hospitals and NUST (university) being prime examples, yet we don't have the same mind set about running of The Khan government and..."
"The cook is one, the others are all waiters." "And yet the waiters get the tip not the cook. But anyway, The Khan is off with a very large begging bowl and all those who may take exception to what he is up to must surely be aware that the fault lies with the Brothers Sharif..."
"A lot more Sharifs have emerged, there are the nephews and the niece and grandchildren and..."
"Indeed, a family that prays together stays together."
"Hey, The Khan may have only one family member with him, his Third Wife but she probably prays a lot more than the entire Sharif clan put together."
"Don't be facetious."
The new Saudi focus
"The Saudi Crown Prince MBS set the date for the envisaged mega billion dollar investment inflow for October 22 and 25. And... and wait, it was to be attended by world leaders and chief executive officers of major multinationals... and wait, let me finish, even Christine Lagarde, the IMF chief, the World Bank President, had agreed to participate..."
"Correct, but the Saudi focus is on inflows not outflows."
"And the conference was titled Future Investment Initiative and foreigners termed it the Davos in the Desert. And the Saudi Prince maintained that Saudi Arabia and "all of its projects and programmes can reach new horizons in the world," and proceeded to present a blueprint for Neom, a $500 billion planned city that would rise from the sands - referred to as a futuristic Xanadu of high-tech jobs and robot workers."
"Right, but you know it's Saudi Arabia's attempt to attract foreign investment right!"
"And there was much fanfare but subsequent to the disappearance of the Saudi journalist Khashoggi many expected Western guests gave backed out. Those who have backed out include the heads of the two multilaterals - IMF and World Bank - even the US Treasury Secretary has backed out, then chief executive officers of J P Morgan, Mastercard, HSBC, Standard Chartered, London Stock Exchange, influential dailies for example New York Times, Financial Times..."
"I don't see where you are getting at?"
"The Khan is off to Saudi Arabia on 22 October and I would assume he would attend the conference - I guess he is a last minute invitee as this trip was not scheduled - and while he reckons, the Saudis may give us the money that we need, around 10 to 12 billion dollars which would take away our need to go on an IMF bailout package, yet isn't it the wrong forum to think negotiations on an outflow can take place when the Saudis are focused on inflows." "That's our Khan - the eternal optimist."
"At least he is a well-intentioned optimist." "There I agree with you 100 percent."
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